By logging in to Web Abstracts, you can use the following features:
After accessing Web Abstracts, please proceed to the "Login" link located on the right side of the screen.
You can log in using the email address and password you used when you registered.
Upon successful login, you will first see a profile input page.
Click “Save the profile and browse the convention website” at the bottom of the page to return to the Web Abstracts main page, where you can browse programs, abstracts, and other features.
Note: Your name and affiliation are automatically populated from the registration system.
If you need to update your name or affiliation, please access "My Page" in the registration system to make changes.
Note: You may upload a photo and add a self-introduction, but these are optional.
You can view the program through either the "Timetable" or "Sessions" menu.
You can also search for presentations and sessions using keywords through the "Search for presentations" function.