Credit Card Payment (Auto-renewal) : your credit card infromation at the first payment will be automatically registered. The payment will automatically be made by the registered credit card after the second year.

Compared to Credit card payment (One-off), which requires you to enter card information each time you make a payment, the payment is automatically made from the second year onward, which reduces the time and effort and prevents payment omissions.

<aside> ⚠️

Available payment methods may vary, depending on the site.


<aside> ⚠️ It can't be used on Institutional Member My Page.




  1. Pay
  2. Change Credit Card Info
  3. If automatic continuation fails
  4. Auto-renewal suspended </aside>

1. Pay


Click Change Payment Method in Payment Method section of the invoice displayed in Invoice / Payment Info section.



Change the payment method to Credit Card Payment (Auto-renewal).



Go to Pay Now in Invoice / Payment Info section in the Operation on the right side of the screen.



Invoice Details page will display. Please confirm your invoice and click Proceed to the Payment.